Southern Federal University
Academy of biology and biotechnology SfeDU
Soil Science Society of the V.V. Dokuchaev
Rostov branch of the Soil Science Society of the V.V. Dokuchaev
Leading Scientific Schools «Ecology and biology of soils»
We invite you to take part in the conference, which will take place
from 17 to 19 November 2014 in Rostov-on-Don
On the 100th anniversary of the Southern Federal University,
80th anniversary of the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology
Accepting applications extended until October 1th, 2014
Conference Organizing Committee
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Science Shoba S.A.
Head. Laboratory of Soil Zoology and General Entomology Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Striganova B.R.
Head. the Department of Soil Biology, Moscow State University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Chernov I.Y.
Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Southern Federal University, Professor Kazeev K.Sh.
Head. Laboratory study of the ecological functions of soil Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Professor Terekhova V.A.
Head. Department of Ecology Department of Soil Science, Moscow State University, Professor Yakovlev A.S.
Head. Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Southern Federal University, Professor Kolesnikov S.I.
Head. biomonitoring laboratory, Institute of Biology, Komi Science Centre and Ural branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Ashikhmina T.Y.
Vice-Rector of Astrakhan State University, Prifessor Fedotova A.V.
Department of Ecology and Nature Management, Siberian federal University (Krasnoyarsk), Professor Bezkorovainaya I.N.
Head. the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Management International Sakharov Environmental University (Minsk, Belarus), Professor Holovaty S.E .
Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Doctor of Soil Science Ridvan Kizilkaya (Turkey)
Head of Amelioration Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb (Croatia), Professor, Dr. sc., Ivan Šimunić
Chairmen of the Organizing Committee:
Rector of the Southern Federal University, Professor, Doctor of Economics Borovskaya M.A.
Deputy governor — Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Rostov district, corresponding member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Vasilenko V.N.
Vice-chairman of the Organizing Committee: Doctor of Geography Science, professor Kazeev K.Sh.
Secretary of the Organizing Committee: Doctor of science, associate professor Tischenko S.A. and PhD, assistant Kozun’ Y.S.
Members of the committee: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Biryukova O.A., Doctor of Biological Science Denisova T.V., Doctor of Agricultural Science Kolesnikov S.I., Doctor of Biological Science Kalinichenko V.P., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Kolesnikov S.I., Doctor of Biological Science Minkina T.M., Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Science Sheudgen A.Kh. (Krasnodar), Doctor of Biological Science Miroshnichenko N. N. (Ukraine), Doctor of Soil Science Tayfun Aşkin (Turkey), Doctor of Plant ProtectionIzzet Akca (Turkey), Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Tskhovrebov V.S. (Stavropol’), Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Terpelets V.I. (Krasnodar), Doctor of Biological Science Shcheglov D.I. (Voronezh), Doctor of Biological Science Yakovleva L.V. (Astrakhan’), Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petrology Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia, Aassociate professor, Dr. sc. Palma Orlović-Leko
344006, Rostov-on-Don, Bolshaya Sadovaya str., 105,
Southern Federal University,
Academy of biology and biotechnology SfeDU
Conference website:
Scientific topics:
1. The ecological status of soils.
2. Theoretical and practical aspects of the evaluation, protection and rational using of soils.
3. Principles and methods of soil ecological state optimization and soil fertility.
4. Biological diagnosis and indication of soil.
During meeting, the conference covers Youth Scientific School “ The biodiagnostics and regulation of anthropogenic impacts on the soil”. It’s also planned trips to the Botanical Garden of SfeDU, to SfeDU Biological Research Station (v. Tanais) at etc. More information about tours will be announced in the 2nd Information Letter.
Publication: Proceedings of the conference will be published in the beginning of the conference, the volume of articles is from1 to 5 pages of text (including tables and figures).
The cost of conference proceedings and postage costs by sending it to the cost of publication is not included. Registration fee — 500 rubles. It includes the cost of collection, presentation sets, and coffee-break. Fee payment is made upon arrival at the сonference
Submission Guidelines
Articles are published in author’s edition, and shall be executed in accordance with the requirements and include, as a rule, the description of the urgency of the problem, the purpose, objects, research methods, results and discussion, conclusions, references (if any).
The text is printed in 1 interval, font size 14, font type Times New Roman, with the use of the editor Word for Windows. The fields on the page of A4 (21.0 cm h29.7): Left and above — 2.5 cm, bottom, and right — 2.5 cm, page orientation — portrait. The indentation at the beginning of a paragraph header -1.0 cm (center) — bold, in a line — the names and initials of the authors (in the center) on the next line — name, city, e-mail, through the empty string — the text of Article lower letters, justified the page. Acceptable use of figures and tables of less than 1 page illustrative material should be kept in black and white. You can use contrasting well-defined fill patterns. Latin names need italics. Using the photographic material, and tables in a landscape orientation is not allowed.
Articles and applications must be submitted in electronic form at [email protected] to the Organizing Committee until October 1th, 2014
Paper in a file in MS Word format to be called by the name of the first author (eg Ivanov.doc). File with the application form in MS Word format to be called by the name of the first author with a «claim» (for example Ivanov_zayavka.doc). Please test your files for viruses.
The text should be carefully proofread, without stylistic and spelling-Cal errors. Scientific and technical editing of articles provided by the Organizing Committee. In case of violation of the rules the article may be rejecting for technical reasons.
Application form
Last Name, First Name, Middle Name:
Title of the article:
Form of participation (oral):
Supposed topic (1,2,3 or 4):
Type of presentation (oral or poster):
Do I need to book accommodations:
To specify state:
1) The number of pages of your article;
2) the amount of the payment.
Sample abstract
Soil and soil cover of protected areas
Ivanov I.I. (1), Petrov B.D.(2)
(1) Moscow State University, Moscow, e-mail; (2)the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, e-mail
Specially protected natural areas are objects of national heritage (Ivanov, 2005). In order to maintain they are ….